The light bulb finally went off! It has come on numerous times before, only to flicker and then burn out. But, now, it's on and shining bright! I am so ready for this change in my life. If you know me, you know I have struggled with weight for my entire teen and adult life. I am the heaviest I have ever been which is ridiculously high. Not quite ready to put the actual number out there for everyone and their mother to see, but I am ready to share my journey. If it ends up to just be a few friends or family members reading this, or even if no one sees this and it's just out in cyberspace somewhere, I am totally fine with that! It's just something for me to do to keep my hands busy. I figure it's better to blog that stuffing my face with food whenever I'm bored/sad/tired/stressed. And if my situations and experiences can motivate or inspire someone else...then rock on. I know plenty of people that are working on their diet, health, and fitness. Let's share our journeys...let's encourage each other!
This blog has no real structure. It's most definitely not one of those fancy-schmancy blogs...very basic. I'm not very techy at all! I want to post on my experiences, emotions, recipes, exercises and products I may come across, and even music. Music is such a huge motivating factor for me, it is a huge mood booster to me so I am sure I will post lots! I may even do some vlogging (video blogging in case you didn't know), we will just hafta see!
I'm not following any type of specific plan at this point. I was doing Weight Watchers but it's too expensive so until I can afford to go back, I am trying to still follow the plan on my own without going to meetings. Also counting calories. Really, overall just trying to watch my portions and be more aware of what I am putting in my mouth.
I am so ready for the girl trapped inside this big 'ol body to be set free! I am fun, sassy, sexy...on the inside...but I am ready for this to be outwardly reflected as well. I am sick of wearing fall/winter wardrobe in the summer. I want to be able to go out with my friends and do fun things without being self conscious about what people think. I don't want to wear yoga capris and a t-shirt over my bathing suit just so I can go floating down the river this summer (yes, I actually did that last year). So, here are a few reasons why I am ready to make this change in my life:
* My health- my dad had adult onset diabetes. He ended up losing weight and controlling it, and it didn't end up to be so bad, but I am headed right down that path if I don't get my shizz together.
* I want to be a mommy! I have been trying to get pregnant for almost 4 years now with no luck. I know if I lose weight that will help. Even if there is something else "wrong" with me fertility wise, at least if I lose weight, I can still have a healthy pregnancy once I get the help I need (fertility treatments, etc). I don't want to be a lazy mom. I want to be able to go do fun things with my kiddos and honestly, if I were to evaluate my current status, if I had a little one now, it would be hard to keep up.
* My marriage- I don't need to go into too much detail on this one. James obviously loves me for me and I know that, but he sees how my weight effects my everyday life, including my relationship with him. To say my weight is a stumbling block would be a complete understatement. I need my confidence back. When I get that back, I know things will be SO MUCH BETTER in all aspects. Even just in the last day since I had my "a-ha" moment, I have gotten a lot of positive reinforcement from him and I know that will only continue with time.
* I want to like myself. People always say, "No one else can love you until you love yourself". Well, I don't love myself. Most mornings I don't even like to get out of bed. Sure part of that is still depression from after my dad died, some days I'm up and some days I'm down. And while those "bad dad days" still happen frequently, a large part of not even wanting to face the world is because I hate having to face the day with the way I am. I don't like to get dressed or do my makeup or hair, because I know no matter how hard I try, I will still end up looking like a cow. I want to be comfortable in my own skin!!!
* I want to be a better role model- in January James and I started working with our church's youth group. I work with the girls with my friend Jana and I really do love working with them. But I got to thinking about it...how can I be a good role model for these girls when I hate myself so much? That's not right. I need to see myself as God sees me so that I can be someone these girls can respect and be inspired by.
As of right now I am working on setting up a goal list to go along with rewards. Once I lose a certain amount of weight, I get to do something fun for myself. Example: when I lose 10 lbs, I'll go get a pedicure or something like that. Still working on making the goals realistic and the rewards something I will look forward to.
That's all I've got for now, but stay tuned :)
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