About five minutes into our ride, I loudly started to sing "Knock Three Times"... Emily then proceeded to shoot me the look of death. I guess she was embarrassed or something, but c'mon haven't you always wanted to do that like in Now & Then?
Ok, so I normally don't post pictures of me looking so awful as I am aware that with my hair pulled back and no make-up, I do tend to resemble Chaz Bono. However, here are a few pictures from our ride today:
Beginning of our ride...I was riding around the parking lot singing, "Fat girl on a little bike, fat girl on a little biiiiiiiiike" in my best Chris Farley voice.

Half way done!

Me and Emily in all our sweaty glory!

Had to pull over to rest for a few. At this point I was wondering if I had a heart attack how fast the paramedics would actually get to me or if I would just die and roll into the river.

YAY! We finished!

Then when we got home, I promptly collapsed in the grass and laid there for awhile...

And last but not least, Emily cooked up some delicious chicken. I cooked the veggies. Ok, I put the bag of steamable veggies in the microwave and then seasoned them when they were done...that was the extent of my culinary skills.

All in all, it was a good day. I am looking forward to being able to ride longer distances...but for now, baby steps!
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